For those of you who do not know my husband, Alan Ackmann, he teaches business and technical writing in the Writing and Rhetoric, and Discourse Department at DePaul University. Over the years, our careers seem to have been playing jump rope with one another, so to speak. Before I was a computer instructor, I was a writing and literature instructor alongside Alan. And now with the latest trend in education, flipping the classroom and online learning, Alan has been getting hardcore into video training as part of his writing instruction. He is quite good too (I’d like to think I’ve taught him everything I know).
This course, Resumes, Research, and Writing on the Job Hunt marks Alan’s third course to the Pluralsight library. The course covers a variety of careers search and planning topics including how to write and develop your resume, a cover letter, and handle unconventional application situations (like changing careers or returning to the workforce after a long hiatus).
You can view access this course at Pluralsight and view Alan’s other courses on his author page: