PowerPoint 2016: How come I don’t have Morph or Glitter Pens or 3D Models yet?

If you have PowerPoint 2016 and are wondering why other people running PowerPoint 2016 have access to these cool new features that aren’t in your copy of PowerPoint 2016, then the short answer is this:

You need an Office 365 subscription to Office 2016

If you just purchased Office 2016 out right, like we all used to back in the day, then you won’t have access to these new features. These features are only available to Office 365 subscribers.

But Heather, I do have Office 365!

Well, in that case, if you have a subscription, and do not have access to a newly announced feature, then the answer is a bit more complicated. In short, here are three reasons why…

  1. You might need to update Office.
  2. The newly announced feature might only be available to Office Insiders at this time.
  3. The newly announced feature might only be available on certain operating systems (like Windows 10).


Here is a more detailed video explaining the above three reasons, pointing out where and how you can check if you need to update or whether or not you are an insider or what operating system you run.

If the above video does not help, then you have a very VERY unique problem that requires Microsoft tech support.